
Showing posts from April, 2020

LFTVD - Hall and Representation

Stuart Hall's theory of representation states that white, middle class, heterosexual men have the most power in the media industry and therefore representations of women and ethnic minority characters tend to be reduced to a very stereotypical, often negative portrayals. How far do you agree that this is true in Stranger Things? This is depicted as true through the character of Jim Hopper, as he is seen to be in power during the episode. When introduced he is seen as a slob and careless of his actions, yet when we find out that he is sheriff it is a surprise. He shows no concern to showing up late to his job, as he is the boss, and pays no hospitality to his 'receptionist' when she has something important to tell him - all he says is 'coffee and contemplation'. This demonstrates his power over others within the show as he can  get away with being tardy and rude. Furthermore, when he is speaking with Joyce, he patronizes her in saying that her in making assumptio...

Newspapers - Applying the Theorists

Todorv: Narratology What elements of narrative does the front page create? Does it set up an equilibrium or a disequilibrium or both? This theory is largely created for 'stories' so is LIMITED when exploring Newspaper single front pages. However, narratives ARE created within Newspaper front pages and the various elements of media language often work together to create a 'narrative' that suits the newspaper's ideologies and viewpoints. Currently, The Guardian is criticising the current government and Boris Johnson in line with their liberal, left-wing viewpoint. Tzvetan Todorov believes that every narrative has the same five stages to it, based around the main character: Equilibrium - the main character's life is balanced and normal. there have been no disruptions to the main character's life...yet. Disruption - the main character's life has suddenly been disrupted, shattering their previous equilibrium. Recognition - the main...

Newspapers - Ideologies and Viewpoints

Ideology Toolkit Sexism -  prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. Patriarchy -  a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. Multiculturalism - the way in which a society deals with cultural diversity, both at the national and at the community level. Feminism -  the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Racism -  prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Ethnocentrism -  evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture. Internationalism -  a political principle which transcends nationalism and advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among nations and people. Consumerism  - a social and economic order that encourages an acqui...

Newspapers - Intertextuality and News

Recap Who was the theorist who developed genre theory? Steve Neale When genres are combines in media we call this.. .Hybridity What genre is the Daily Mail? Middle Market - hybrid of both tabloid and broadsheet Which theorist studied semiotics? Roland Barthes What is a symbolic code? A connotation we link to an object/ subject (symbolism) What is an enigma code (hermeneutic)? An event within a media product that influences the audience to keep watching/ reading - creates mystery What is the genre of The Big Issue? A hybrid of entertainment, lifestyle and political. It is defined more by its distribution method and audience. How is The Big Issue distributed? By Street Vendors How would you describe the ideology and viewpoints of The Big Issue? It is a liberal publication which often highlights social issues such as homelessness, poverty, attitudes to disability etc (CAGED)  Magazines and The Big Issue Recap Intertextuality When a media text references anoth...