1. What is the name of the organisation in charge of regulating movies that are sold in the UK?
    • The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). 
  2. What is the name of the organisation in charge of regulating movies in the US?
    • Motion Picture Association (MPA).
  3. How do the two Jungle Book films differ in their regulation and why?
    • JB57 was rated U while JB16 was rated PG. Reflects draker aesthetic, more peril, more realistic, targeting whole family.
  4. What does PEGI stand for?
    • Pan European Game Information
  5. Are PEGI ratings enforced by law?
    • Only in certain countries, the UK being one.
  6. What is the newest addition to the video game regulator descriptors?
    • In-game purchases 2018
  7. Both Minecraft and GTA V contain violence in their story modes - so why is one PEGI-12 and the other PEGI-18?
    • The 'realness' of the violence and the degree in which players can freely inflict violence.
  8. Which content description can only be released with a PEGI-18 rating?
    • Any game which includes negative stereotypes relating to discrimination must be an 18 (and will also be subject to criminal investigation under UK law).
  9. What is the name of the organisation which regulates the BBC?
    • Internally regulated by BBC Board and externally by OfCom (since 2017).
  • Individuals
  • Demoralised
  • Language of choice
  • Short-term focus
  • Society/community
  • Moral beings
  • Language of rights
  • Long-term focus
Why might this distinction be important in a lesson on how the media is regulated?

  • In 2006, Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt conducted a study into the how the British regulator OfCom serves an audience which can be seen as consumers and/or citizens.
  • Consumers have wants, are individuals, seek private benefits from the media, use the language of choice - they require regulation to protect against detriment and harm. This reflects an increasingly consumer dominated media marketplace.
  • Citizens have needs, are social, seek public benefits from the media, use the language of rights - they require regulation to promote public interest. This reflects traditional TV which was predominately about public service broadcasting. Is this under threat as PSB declines?
  • So, media regulators have to straddle a fine line between protecting the consumer and meeting the needs of the citizen.
  • On one hand, TV regulators must ensure that dramas and entertainment shows do not offend the consumer.
  • On the other hand, for citizens, TV regulators must ensure that certain moral issues are represented fairly, everyone's right are respected, the truth is not obfuscated, the news is balanced (particularly PSB).
  • As Netflix (and other streaming sites) is a company which lies outsides of the jurisdiction of the BBFC and OfCom, it cannot be officially regulated.
  • Netflix offer age ratings in the same style as the BBFC, however - but this not scrutinised by an external body and not enforced legally.
  • Obviously, with streaming, many younger viewers can access content that is not age-appropriate. Much more  so than in the past.
  • For example, 13 Reasons Why (18), would be unlikely to get past the BBFC without editing some of its more brutal depictions of teenage suicide, particularly since the representation of such acts is targeted at a younger audience.
  • There is also the issue for LFTVD in general with different episodes within a season being appropriate for different ages.
  • Therefore, the regulation of this streaming site is all about protecting their own consumers rather than protecting citizens.
  • Netflix occasionally removes shows or provides clarification after customer complaints, accusations of misinformation and changes in public opinion - recent removal of Little Britain and Mighty Boosh for using blackface.
  • Both Stranger Things and Deutschland 83 are classified as 15, do you agree?
  • Can you list 3 aspects of each drama which justify this rating?
  • What, if anything, can these two dramas offer an audience of citizens?


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