
Showing posts from November, 2019

Evolving Media - Radio

BBC 97 Years Old Lord Reith Scottish Broadcaster Managing director of BBC Started 30 September 1967 Publicly funded through TV licences Politically Unbiased  Prohibits alienation of the public Educate, Inform, Entertain Nation Wide and Regional Regulated by Ofcom Thinking about the public purposes of the BBC, what kind of content would you expect to find in a Radio 1 broadcast? Make a list of any relevant content. Modern popular music and current chart hits throughout the day. Presenters - Inoffensive, Bland, Lively, Chatty They target the 15–29 age group Challenges faced by the BBC Failure to reach younger audiences  Digital Convergence Not as popular  Larger competition  Signal 1, Capital, Heart Financial problems Technology overhaul Why Greg James? Took over from Nick Grimshaw on 20 august 2018 16th presenter 2017 Grimshaw recorded the lowest listener figures for radio 1's breakfast since the records began ...

Advertisements: Shelter

'Because I am a Girl' Campaign Girls Rights Audience Everyone - to spread awareness Meanings Powerful, brutal and honest Insecurities and campaign written on their faces - message can't be avoided Plain/ simplistic outfit and background - mise en scène Celebrity as the focus of the poster - downplay it to demonstrate the togetherness and remove any allure Representations Vulnerability Power Natural This campaign is different to other commercial ones as it depicts women in their natural, unfiltered state in order to address the real, ongoing issue The main focus is on the subjects face - there is no other distractions that differ from the main, serious goal of the campaign The commercial ads will have a much larger budget than the charity based campaign Shelter UK based housing and homelessness charity Campaign launched in 2011 Produced for those at risk of homelessness to point them to Shelter's free services Guide people to seek help ...

Representation - Stereotypes

Within society there is a DOMINANT GROUP who holds positions of power within social institutions. - Male - White - Heterosexual - Adult (Middle-aged) - Christianity - Middle Class - Capitalist - Able-bodied - Western - University Educated The dominant social group, by having access to power and means of communication, has control and influence over the way in which other social groups are seen and understood. Their social experience, beliefs and values are known as DOMINANT IDEOLOGY. Stereotypes Work as symbolic codes or signs - link to Barthes Attach specific values or ideas to that group of people, which are generalised and largely inaccurate They become accepted in wider society due to the frequency with which they are used THEORY - Barthes would argue that these values attached to these social stereotypes are not real but 'myths' and serve to reinforce the ideology of the dominant group . Stereotypes can be positive or negative , depending on: ...

Ideal Radio Show

Curtain Call Music Musical Soundtracks Tik Tok Hits Presenters Rob Cantor Shia Labeouf Peter Dickson Games/ Features Wrong Answers Only - Game Random videos I have saved on my phone out of context - Game Information Only adverts for Broadway shows and Tik Tok

Paper 2

Paper 2 Section A Examiners are looking for: Accuracy, comprehensiveness and detail of knowledge and understanding of the media form The clarity and precision and balance of your explanation The detail and accuracy of your references to set products The accuracy, comprehensiveness and detail of your knowledge and understanding of contexts and their influence.

Old Spice

 Unfinished Claim 'Old spice Bahamas scent comes from an antiperspirant mine in the Bahamas' - 'This fact has not been fact checked'   Humour Surrealism Image manipulation Unfinished claim Escapism Seaside, beach, tropical, volcano Bahamas Holiday - wealth 'The man your man could smell like' Logo Centre - right Creates a visual path - easy to read serif font - playful, humorous, personal Product Image Bottom - right Easy to see Recognisable Matches the colour scheme of the ad Font All-caps Bold, sans serif - main slogan/ information  Shot type/ Camera angles Mid - shot/ head - shot - area of masculinity Personalise Eye-contact Physical closeness Special effects/ Image manipulation  Bahamas Tropical Escapism Non-realistic Slogan Unfinished claim Humorous Colour Palette Matches product image - red, tropical Recognisable Tropical  Bright, vibrant Escapism - paradise Rule of Thirds Isaiah Musta...


Representation  is the process by which media represent the 'real world'  When discussing representations – we need to consider HOW they are represented through the media language choices.  We also must consider the impact these representations will have.  Madonna image: What impact will this image have on women of Madonna's age? Those of the same age as Madonna may become insecure of how they look and compare themselves to this fake, edited version of her. This could cause a rise in plastic surgery use as well as a larger revenue for anti-ageing companies. It may also contribute to mental health issues that follow and are powered by these insecurities.  Why would the producer of the media text have decided to make the changes that they have? They want to contribute to the global ideology that all women should have fair, unblemished skin and so this would make Madonna and the company look more appealing to the human eye - thus allowing them...