Old Spice
- Unfinished Claim
- 'Old spice Bahamas scent comes from an antiperspirant mine in the Bahamas' -
- 'This fact has not been fact checked'
- Humour
- Surrealism
- Image manipulation
- Unfinished claim
- Escapism
- Seaside, beach, tropical, volcano
- Bahamas
- Holiday - wealth
- 'The man your man could smell like'
- Logo
- Centre - right
- Creates a visual path - easy to read
- serif font - playful, humorous, personal
- Product Image
- Bottom - right
- Easy to see
- Recognisable
- Matches the colour scheme of the ad
- Font
- All-caps
- Bold, sans serif - main slogan/ information
- Shot type/ Camera angles
- Mid - shot/ head - shot - area of masculinity
- Personalise
- Eye-contact
- Physical closeness
- Special effects/ Image manipulation
- Bahamas
- Tropical
- Escapism
- Non-realistic
- Slogan
- Unfinished claim
- Humorous
- Colour Palette
- Matches product image - red, tropical
- Recognisable
- Tropical
- Bright, vibrant
- Escapism - paradise
- Rule of Thirds
- Isaiah Mustafa centre - left
- Text centre - right
- Location and settings
- 'Scent...from...the Bahamas'
- Exotic appeal
- Escapism
- Register/ Mode of address
- Humorous - young and fun
- Intelligence, self mocking - postmodern and culturally relevant
- Anchorage
- Alignment of actor, text and product - anchors three separate elements
- Fun, humorous and exotic
- Celebrity Endorsement
- Isaiah Mustafa
- Masculinity
- Well known
The ad portrays a quite comical and mocking representation of society's idea of masculinity. The use of actor and former NFL player, Isaiah Mustafa, showcases the ideological dominance of men within our society.
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