The Jungle Book(1967 vs 2016) The 1967 Jungle Book, directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, is one of Walt Disney's hand-drawn animated classics. Based on Rudyard Kipling's dark and serious book(which is about the struggles between animals and man), this rendition strays from those dismal themes and portrays a more lighthearted, cheerful and straightforward approach. This lenient and easy-going depiction of the plot allows the movie to be appropriate and aimed at a more younger, family friendly audience. The movie uses a bright, soft colour scheme of greens, blues, yellows, blending together and furthering the idea that this movie is targeted at children. The music for this movie is said to have a "lightness, a Disney touch", advancing the fun, enjoyable plot. the simplicity and stereotypical Disney-like songs are easily memorable and catchy in order to allow those of a younger age to appreciate the movie more. The animation was done by xerography, with character desig...
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