The History of Media

Prehistoric Age

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The earliest form of written communication, the prehistoric age was jam packed with hand written symbols and cave paintings that provided another form of communication rather than sounds and gestures. This provided foundation for the expansion of media throughout time.

Industrial Age

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Mass production of print went viral during this age, with the recent creation of the printing press providing an easier and more efficient way of spreading media. Newspapers, leaflets, advertisement and photography allowed information and images to be shared throughout cities.

Electronic Age

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Worldwide communication inflated, with telegraphs, radios and televisions helping people view and learn about the happenings of the world from the comforts of their homes, across the country. The invention of Morse code in 1835 and the telephone in 1876, provided portable, personal communication, with Morse code being used during wars.

Digital Age
20 Century+

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Technology and media have excelled through the modern age, with worldwide production of computers and phones allowing people to connect to the internet and 'surf the web'.The addition of emails provided us with the ability to communicate over the globe, as well as social media that is used and taken advantage of by millions of people, paving way for creative expression and informative updates.


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